How to Work Through Conflict in Your High-Stakes Relationships
Finally, a book that teaches you the basics of how to work through any disagreement, fight, or disconnection in your high-stakes relationships!
“Jayson Gaddis’ excellent new book, Getting to Zero, is a fabulous couple guide to conflict solutions interspersed with inspirational self‑disclosures of Jayson’s own life and relationship experiences. He provides valuable conceptual framing and techniques for managing conflict. His detailed insights will be of great value to readers interested in effective loving relationships.”
— Stan Tatkin, PsyD, MFT, developer of the Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT) and author of We Do and Wired for Love

Getting to Zero Jayson Gaddis
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Jayson Gaddis
Founder of The Relationship School
Hey there. I’m Jayson.
I founded this thing called The Relationship School because I got tired of complaining that I wasn’t taught how to do intimacy in high school or college. I’m married (14 years) have two amazing kids, and teach about relationships. But that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with them.
Relationships were one of the biggest pain points in my life until age 29 when I finally decided to learn about them. Honestly I was more interested in learning about other people than myself at first. But pretty quickly I learned that in order to understand people better I had to understand myself better.
For us learners, we tend to study the aspect of ourselves we struggle with the most. When I went to graduate school to study Transpersonal Psychology 20 years ago, I was interested in 2 things: my pain and other people’s pain. I began a journey that continues to this day–understanding the human condition in the context of our relational life.
I want to encourage you to move toward your pain not as a way to dwell or be miserable, but as a way to learn. Inside the pain are the clues to your unfolding life, your unfolding journey.
Hey there. I’m Jayson.
I founded this thing called The Relationship School because I got tired of complaining that I wasn’t taught how to do intimacy in high school or college. I’m married (14 years) have two amazing kids, and teach about relationships. But that doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with them.
Relationships were one of the biggest pain points in my life until age 29 when I finally decided to learn about them. Honestly I was more interested in learning about other people than myself at first. But pretty quickly I learned that in order to understand people better I had to understand myself better.
For us learners, we tend to study the aspect of ourselves we struggle with the most. When I went to graduate school to study Transpersonal Psychology 20 years ago, I was interested in 2 things: my pain and other people’s pain. I began a journey that continues to this day–understanding the human condition in the context of our relational life.
I want to encourage you to move toward your pain not as a way to dwell or be miserable, but as a way to learn. Inside the pain are the clues to your unfolding life, your unfolding journey.
I’m also committed to changing the world by helping us humans work out our differences. I’ve noticed that the most successful relationships in the world have one thing in common–the ability and willingness to work through conflict and get back to a good place. And if you are honest, you might notice that you struggle in this area too, in your closest relationships (family, partner, ex, work). That’s why I wrote an entire book on the subject.
I’d like to ask you to buy my book as a way of helping this planet get its shit together when it comes to how we treat each other. It starts with us, right? I’m pretty sure this will be the very best guidebook to help you through your most difficult relationship challenges. It ain’t perfect, but I poured my heart and soul into this one and I know you’ll get at least one nugget that could change your life.
Thanks for your support and being a friend, fan, follower and fellow human traveler.
About The Book
Chances are most of us deal with conflict on a daily basis with friends, family members, lovers, partners, and even co-workers, and when unresolved it can affect every single aspect of our lives, from self-confidence to physical and mental health. Getting to Zero is a dynamic, user friendly, practical conflict resolution method aimed at helping readers work through conflict with those they care about as quickly as possible. When you know how to work through conflict in your high-stakes relationships, every other area of your life improves.
Read more here.